a website by @caromacon

love poems for my grandma

i wrote these poems for my grandma. i hope you enjoy them, too!

Love Poems For My Grandma 1
Love Poems For My Grandma 2
Love Poems For My Grandma 3
Love Poems For My Grandma 4
Love Poems For My Grandma 5

want to also watch a video for my grandma?

here is a scrollbox within a scrollbox of me, the artist!

wut is this ?

this is a website of caroline macon fleischer, known online as @caromaconsince like 2005.

i am a horror author (The Roommate Joffe Books, 2021) (A Play About a Curse CLASH Books, 2025), a teacher, a poet, and a mom. i love multimodal projects too, obviously.

i'm a normal person with an iPhone. wuts going on with this webpage?

Neocities is a coding canvas salvaged && reimagined from the party glitter desecration of days of yore including Geocities, Myspace, Xanga, web2.0 blogs, etc. As neocities puts it:

We are tired of living in an online world where people are isolated from each other on boring, generic social networks that don't let us truly express ourselves.

I hope people will like this && want to make webz of their own.

~welcome back to the people's internet, baybee.~

how did u make these / wut r u doing / i'm scared

i'm scared, too. i had some ideas && hit the red button. i feel inspired by anti-polished home-videomaking and html coding. i've been at it with the homemade shits-and-giggles since i got my first hot pink nikon coolpix.

did u learn to code for this ?

this was (wildly + haphazardly) executed with the mysterious remains of knowledge from my myspace days.